The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Wiki

Pam Lives: Beyond The Texas Chainsaw Massacre[1] is a 2019 novella by Terri McMinn concerning the fate of her character Pamela. It generally follows the plot of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre faithfully while expanding on elements of the story that were left unaddressed by the original film,[2] with the only major difference from the film being that Pamela explicitly survives the events of the story, whereas in the film her fate is left ambiguous and she is implied to have been butchered by the Sawyer family.

The novel ignores the existence of any subsequent films in the series, though by coincidence some elements of McMinn's story mirror those of the films Texas Chainsaw 3D and Leatherface.


  1. Pam Lives: Beyond The Texas Chainsaw Massacre by Teri McMinn | Goodreads
  2. Interview with Teri McMinn on "I'd like for them to film my story, "What Really Happened To Pam?" with all of us doing voice overs and cameos, using a lot of original footage, and casting young actors that closely resemble all of us to play our roles, all intertwined with our voice overs speaking, especially in the beginning, to start the film out. It would be sort of a re-telling, but with a lot of details and character/events additions, about not only the Sawyers, but also, Sally, Jerry, Franklin, Kirk, and Pam, as well. There could be many interesting things to cover, how the Sawyers moved there, the boys mother's role in the family, why she left, Leatherface and his brother's childhood, the BBQ cafe and service station, and about all those abandoned cars in the shed. Each one had a story... I would be willing to bet on that. All of us surviving cast members could play cameos and small parts in it."